Jeff Subject
My Passion: I have a passion for hard work and problem solving. I have a long history of providing great customer service and my knowledge of the industry makes me a valuable resource.
My Role: Inside Sales, I have a strong product knowledge and attention to detail. I am I leader and a problem solver.
Career Background: I began my career in 1992 at a large distributor in the Chicago area; where over the course of 15 years I moved through all the traditional positions in a distributor including Warehouse, Counter Sales, Inside Sales, Purchasing and Outside Sales. In 2007, my family and I moved to Arizona where I worked for a national electrical distributor in Phoenix as a District Purchasing Manager until September 2016, when I joined Allied Group Sales.
Personal Side: Originally from Chicago, I moved to Arizona in 2007, and live in the West Valley with my wife Kristine and 3 daughters. In my spare time I like to travel, play golf, watch football and all sports. I also spend most of my free time involved in whatever my kids are doing.
Years with AGS:
8Years in the Industry:
Attended Illinois State University, Studied business